BricksKits Templates

Welcome to the Brickskits templates page! Here you will find a variety of professionally designed bricksbuilder templates to choose from.

All of our templates are available on a pay-what-you-want basis, so you can choose the price that works best for you and your budget. Simply select the template you want and choose the price you want to pay at checkout.

Our templates come packed with features to help you create a beautiful and functional website. Choose from customizable color schemes, responsive design, and pre-designed page layouts to get your site looking just the way you want it.

Take a look at our templates below and find the perfect one for your business or personal website. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at . We’re always happy to help!


  • All (52)
  • Frames (37)
  • AutoCare (7)
  • CTA (6)
  • Footer (6)
  • Accordion (5)
  • BlockQuote (5)
  • Hero (5)
  • Tabs (5)
  • Brand (4)
Header iii
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Header ii
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Header i
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Footer v
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Footer iv
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Footer iii
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Footer ii
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Footer i
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Features iii
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Hero v
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Per Template
  • Fixed price, one template.
  • Updates included.
  • No recurring charges.
  • Access to customer support.
  • Ideal for specific projects.
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Pay What You Want
Per Template
  • Flexible pricing options.
  • Lifetime updates included.
  • Support included.
  • Choose your own price.
  • Cost-effective option.
Browse Templates
Per month
  • Unlimited template access.
  • Future templates included.
  • Continuous support.
  • Monthly/annual plans.
  • Perfect for multiple websites.
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